Ashtanga yoga for Beginners

Become competent in using Ujjayi breathing and Bandha with the focus on the Nava Dristis. The yoga students work at their own pace on the Primary series and receives a maximum personal attention, clear instructions and hands-on adjustments from Sheshadri and Harish. After successful completion of the Primary series the students are given postures from the Intermediate series.

Ashtanga yoga for advance practitioners

Deepen the existing Asana practice with more intense adjustments of the advanced Yoga postures. Personalised support with the student's alignment is tailored to magnify the flexibility of the body and strength of the mind.

"Ashtanga Mysore style offers students the freedom to practice at their own pace, under the guidance of world-renowned, experienced teachers like Sheshadri and Harish. This approach allows for maximum individual attention and adjustments, as the teachers provide clear and thoughtful instructions tailored to each student's needs. Through this personalized method, students experience a profound transformation, evolving at their own rhythm and deepening their practice."

  1. Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga is an ancient indian traditional science of practicing yogasanas systematically, it was discovered through manuscript of yoga korunta of Vamana Rishi which was brought to the people by Sri T. Krishnamachar & to Sri K. Pattabhi Jois.
  2. Yogasana:“Sthiram Sukham Asanam”. Steady comfortable posture.
  3. Ashtanga Yoga: The eight limbs of yoga. (Yama, Niyama, Asana, Pranayama, Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyana, Samadhi)
  4. Vinyasa: It is a synchronization or combination of asanas with breathing, sight, posture, time and bandha along with body moments.It is a systematic moving the body from stillness to movement and back to stillness. Aspects of the asana practice are Breathing, Drishti and Bandha [Trishtana].
  5. Mode of Breathing : Ujjayi breathing (throat or cobra breathing) normal breathing with rhythmic sound.
  6. Bandha: While practicing asanas applying neuro-muscular locks in the body.
  7. Nava Drishti: Specific place of gazing points at the time of asana practice.
  8. The Yoga Chikitsa: The primary series is consists of Surya Namaskara A & B , Sixty Asanas sequence including with Vinyasa krama in between each postures and focusing drishti's for the development of awareness, flexibility and strength.