Sheshadri is belongs to the most experienced, world renowned and respected ashtanga vinyasa yoga teachers in the world.
Sheshadri teaches in the traditional style as passed down from Sri Krishnamacharya, Sri Pattabhi Jois, and his guru Sri BNS Iyengar.
Sheshadri has been teaching Ashtanga Vinyasa Yogasana and Pranayama since 1994. He has studied Yogasana, Pranayama (Basic and Advance), Bandha, Mudra and Philosophy of Yoga for the period of 13 years with his Guruji B.N.S. Iyengar at Parakala Mutt yogashala Mysuru, and he also traveled widely in India to study yoga and transcendental meditation.
Sheshadri is certified Yoga Teacher from different Universities in India and completed YTTC, Diploma in yoga and PG Diploma in yoga. He has secured 1st Rank in Diploma in yoga and Nature cure conducted by University.
He learned Maharshi Patanjali's Yoga Sutras and practiced ashtanga yoga with Maharshi Nagaraja Surya Narayana Pande for the period of 3 Years.
He has done SSY, SSY Higher, NSY, MSY, Patanjali Kriye and TTC with Guruji Prakash Yogi.
Sheshadri was Established PAVY Shala in 1994 and started teaching ancient indian traditional system of ashtanga vinyasa yogasana and pranayama in Renukacharya Temple Mysuru, and continued to teach there until 2000. He started teaching Western students there in 1998.
In 2001 he Established Mysore Mandala Yoga Shala along with Mr. Ian Robertson to continue his teaching in ashtanga vinyasa yogasana, pranayam and TTC. This was where Sheshadri gained his fame for being a very attentive teacher with a great sense of the yoga student's needs. He developed his style of assisting students with dynamic adjustments to get them to fulfill their potential. This is the part of teaching that he enjoy the most, whether with students who are new to yoga or more advanced ones.
Sheshadri has a keen sense for detail in the postures and he has been able to pass this on to Thousand's of yoga students who are now trained through his ashtanga vinyasa teacher training courses.
Sheshadri has passed his knowledge and techniques of yoga teaching onto his Son Harish who is the Director of PAVY Shala and certified teacher in ashtanga vinyasa yoga. Sheshadri and Harish have been teaching together on a daily basis since 2004. Sheshadri feels that a yoga teacher is the link between God and the students and that he is passing ancient indain tradition system of yoga onto his son Harish.
In 2008, both Sheshadri and Harish started teaching in his New Yoga Shala in Krishna Murthy Puram, Mysuru by the name of PAVY Shala - Patanjala Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga Shala(R).
Sheshadri has made first ashtanga vinyasa yoga workshop in Austria, Vienna in 2006. Again in 2007 Sheshadri was accompanied by his son Harish to travel European country like Berlin and Cologne in Germany on his Yoga Workshop tour. They completed a one-month tour of Europe in 2008 and 2009 which included Austria, France and Germany.
In 2010, he has completed the workshop in Europe which also include Austria, France ,Budapest. In 2011 and 2012 he is regularly visiting European Countries for ashtanga vinyasa oyga workshops.
In 2012, For a month of European trip he has done ashtanga yoga workshop in Thailand and Lebanon for 2 weeks.
In 2013, he has done yoga workshops in Europe for the period of one month which includes Austria and France.
In 2017, he has done yoga workshops in France for the period of 50 days which includes Lyon, Chamonix, Marseille, Biarritz, Lille and Paris.
In 2019, he has done yoga workshops in France for the period of 50 days which includes Lyon, Chamonix, Biarritz, Lille and Paris.
In 2019, he has done yoga workshops in France for the period of 50 days which includes Lyon, Chamonix, Biarritz, Lille and Paris.
Sheshadri has taken part in many yoga competitions at the state, national and international levels and secured 3rd Place in 7th International Yoga Festival, 1999, Department of Tourism, Pondicherry, India.
Many Institutions and Organizations has awarded Sheshadri for his Achievements.